Live Meeting 7:00 – 8:00 Wednesdays –  First United Methodist Church
22700 Sherman Way, West Hills, CA 91307
We are also on Zoom.

(new from 11/16/22)

Meeting ID: 632 811 5736


To make a donation to the San Fernando Valley H & I Committee send your check to:
P.O. BOX 573124
Please earmark your contribution either to the General Fund, or to the Literature Fund.

LTL Retreat 2025
Oct. 24,25,26

October Birthdays
Larry Tr 10/2/2006
Ron Al 10/5/1989
Matt Ne 10/7/2001
Ted Go 10/7/2001
Drew Jo 10/10/2016
Scot Wh 10/15/2006
Brian Le 10/18/2010

November Birthdays
Brian We 11/2/1989
Ryan Br 11/2/2017
Csaba Ra 11/11/2016
Steve Fe 11/13/1989
Dusty Br 11/29/1990

December Birthdays
Neil Bu. 12/1/1994
Bryen Ca. 12/11/1987
Chris Th. 12/16/2016
John Z. 12/17/1989
Doug Do. 12/17/2017
Nick M. 12/22/2016
Dan B. 12/23/2015
Clay Ba 12/24/1987
Jim Ge. 12/25/2014

A Portion of Chapter 7

Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail. This is our twelfth suggestion: Carry this message to other alcoholics! You can help when no one else can. You can secure their confi­dence when others fail. Remember they are very ill. Life will take on new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends—this is an experience you must not miss. We know you will not want to miss it. Fre­quent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives.